Class SimpleZDB::CategorySet
In: simplezdb.cpp
Parent: Object

Wrapper of SlCategories.


[]   add   delete   each   get_ids_of_labels   id_of   include?   labels  

Included Modules


External Aliases

to_a -> to_ary

Public Instance methods

Document-method: SimpleZDB::CategorySet#[]

Return the category label specified by id.

Document-method: SimpleZDB::CategorySet#add

Add the label to the category set. Return the id of the category.

Document-method: SimpleZDB::CategorySet#each call-seq:

  category_set.each {|label| ... } -> category_set


  category_set.get_ids_of_labels(labels) -> array

Return the id of the label. Return nil if the label does not exist in the category set.

Document-method: SimpleZDB::CategorySet#include?

Return true if the label exist in the category set.


  category_set.labels -> array
