Class SimpleZDB::SortKey
In: simplezdb.cpp
Parent: Object

Wrapper of SlZDataManagerSortKey class. Use with SimpleZDB::DataBase#sort_exp! or SimpleZDB::DataBase#sort!.


add   add_sort_key   create_sort_exp   new   to_exp  


is_ascendents  [R] 
is_strings  [R] 
item_names  [R] 

Public Class methods


Instanciate SortKey object.

Public Instance methods

Document-method: create_sort_exp, SimpleZDB::SortKey#to_exp

Wrapper of SlZDataManagerSortKey::createSortExp(char*, ulong). Return bytearray representation of sort exp. It can be used as the first parameter of DataBase#sort_exp!.

Document-method: create_sort_exp, SimpleZDB::SortKey#to_exp

Wrapper of SlZDataManagerSortKey::createSortExp(char*, ulong). Return bytearray representation of sort exp. It can be used as the first parameter of DataBase#sort_exp!.
